Lawyer tabs

The lawyer tab holds great importance in Canada. Moreover, lawyers often wear a white tab in court. Our tabs, made in Canada, are recognized nationwide. Whether in Ontario, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, or elsewhere, our tabs add style to courtroom attire. Designed for professionalism and elegance, they complement lawyers’ appearances across Canada.



What to wear in court

In Canadian courts, lawyers typically wear gowns and tabs to convey professionalism and adherence to tradition. The black gown symbolizes the formal nature of legal proceedings, while the white tab adds a traditional touch. Dressing conservatively and adhering to these standards enhances credibility with clients and colleagues. Our lawyer tabs bring an added touch of elegance to courtroom attire.

The standard robe for Canadian lawyers is black wool with long, wide sleeves that extend to the wrist. Flat white tabs lay against the chest, and the robe extends to the feet for a dignified and formal look. The white shirt worn under the robe pairs with a black petticoat.

Take a look to the THE JUST. GUIDE TO GOWNING : here

Take a look to our gowns to fit with your lawyer tab : click here